Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

History: The man who became Bullseye always had perfect aim. Foregoing a career as a professional baseball player, he became a soldier and mercenary who derived pleasure from killing his enemies. One incident, in particular, inspired him to use his throwing skills as a means of combat: While on patrol, he heard a guerilla approaching from behind. Spinning about, the future Bullseye tried to fire his rifle...only to discover it was empty. Desperately, he hurled his gun at the guerilla, impaling his attacker on its bayonet blade.

Launching a career as the costumed criminal Bullseye, he attempted to extort money from a series of New York City millionaires. However, the costumed crimefighter Daredevil defeated Bullseye when the villain tried to murder his second victim.

Daredevil has proven to be Bullseye's most frequent opponent. During one of their battles, a fall from great height broke many of Bullseye's bones and shattered his spine, leaving him paralyzed. Subsequently, Lord Dark Wind abducted Bullseye to Japan, intending to transform the fallen assassin into an invincible warrior. Lord Dark Wind used his adamantium-bonding process to repair Bullseye's spine and broken bones. Once he recovered, Bullseye was assigned to assassinate the Japanese minister of trade in New York. But Bullseye had no intention of carrying out this task, as he wasn't being paid. Instead, he used it as an opportunity to return to the United States.

While in New York City, Bullseye became the Kingpin's top assassin, but lost the title to Elektra. Determined to regain his status as the Kingpin's No. 1 killer, Bullseye decided the only way to prove himself was to kill Elektra, which he accomplished by slashing her throat and impaling her on her own sai.

Subsequent kills have included Daredevil's estranged girlfriend, Karen Page, who stood in the way of Bullseye's assignment to kidnap an infant girl believed to be the antichrist; and Gambit, a member of the famed X-Men, who somehow survived a sai-impaling.

Weapons: Any object, from a knife to a playing card, becomes a deadly weapon in the skilled hands of the man who could be the world's greatest assassin.